Watched MNF, and...
Fans suck. Boo your starting QB, chant the name of the back up. As long as the starter stays on the field, the fans are right. Well, good old Tuna just showed fans everywhere that they are stupid and should just shut up. Now whose name are you going to chant?
And I'm sick of T.O. I'm a 49er fan (I know, they suck and I'm an idiot) and I don't remember T.O. being this way here. Was he? Or was I just a fan blind to it. I just recall the guy was a good player and I hated to see him go. THEN he went nuts. That's what I remember. Anyway, the cameras kept showing T.O. on the sidelines and the announcers were telling us something like, "Now he's yelling at the coach, now he's yelling at the equipment guy...". He didn't look like he was yelling, but all they could do was talk about how upset he was, or was going to be. Then the guy catches a pass and the next thing you know, its a montage of T.O. on the screen when they came back from a commercial. Like he was Brett Favre or something. Come on, is he a terrifically fabulous player, or a jerk weasel? Both? In any event, until the guy shoots someone or actually lives up to his own self-hype (like, make it through a game without dropping an easy pass?) lets just leave him alone. He's only the center of attention because the sports media says so.
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