
Reading sports blogs has ruined sports for me. Just like becoming a cop ruined cop shows for me. I used to enjoy watching and reading about sports. Now I watch hoping someone will screw up, or do something strange, so I can rip them. First in my own mind... now in a blog of my own, so I can talk about whatever I please. Here's hoping I can contribute to someone else looking for all the fault in the world surrounding the sports we love.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The NBA and image

The NBA has recently done things like mandate dress codes, and impose lengthy suspensions for fighting. But even with the nicey nice changes, the NBA and its players continue to wonder why they are portrayed as thugs? Hmmm. I wonder.

I was going to put a picture to illustrate something, but for some reason, I can't. So just google search for Allen Iverson and Carmelo Anthony and look at the image they project. Sorry you have to work for it.

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At Tue Nov 11, 04:55:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.


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